포지션 캔슬이라고 믿고 싶네요.
이런일 몇 번 더 당하면 정말 멘탈 나갈 지도 모르죠. 가뜩이나 비행기 타고 다니는 것도 힘들어 하는데..
링크드인으로 헤드헌터 한테 온 메시지는 포지션 캔슬 같지는 않습니다.
Unfortunately, the news regarding the manufacturing role is not in your favor. They are going to look at other candidates and will not be moving you forward in the process. Their environment is very unique, and they pass on many people who interview with them, so this is not just you. They really enjoyed meeting you and appreciate your time. Perhaps sometime in the future there will be another role once you gain more experiences in in the industry.
Sorry for this news and I appreciate getting to know you along the journey.
If I have any other roles that surface in the near future, I’ll reach out to you.
Be well and have a safe, happy, Holiday season!
Best Regards,