Home Forums US Life 오늘 이런 사람 본듯. 믿기 어렵지만 이런 애들 많은듯. 유홀은 크레딧체크나 이런거 안하쟎아. 오늘 이런 사람 본듯. 믿기 어렵지만 이런 애들 많은듯. 유홀은 크레딧체크나 이런거 안하쟎아. Name * Password * Email Paul Keith Studied at Gordon College, MAUpvoted by Alex Groggett , Assistant General Manager at U-Haul (2021-present)Author has 152 answers and 626.7K answer views5y If the U-Haul Center or independent Dealer follows the protocols, it wouldn’t be reported as a stolen vehicle. Failure to return a rental vehicle when due, if it was legitimately rented, is not considered vehicle theft but only a violation of the rental contract with whatever financial penalties - such as forfeiture of deposit and overtime charges - as noted in the Contract Terms. Why? Because the customer didn’t steal the truck, it was voluntarily leased to him or her by the dealer; s/he was given the keys at the beginning of the rental period. To establish vehicle theft - assuming it wasn’t initially “hot wired” off a U-Haul lot w/o a contract in the first instance or stolen from a legitimate renter - it is necessary to show that the customer altered the vehicle in some way - such as repainting - to disguise it as something other than a U-Haul vehicle - and/or other evidence that the customer never intended to return the vehicle at all. (Hidden in a cave; stuff like that.) btw, if a Car Dealer hands you the keys to a demo vehicle so you can test drive it, and you don’t return it to the Dealership when expected, same thing. This is one good reason why dealers usually - though not always - have a sales employee go with you you on such test drives. I agree to the terms of service Comment