Home Forums Cars 자동차 타이어 공기빠짐) 질문 입니다. 자동차 타이어 공기빠짐) 질문 입니다. Name * Password * Email 1. Mix liquid soap with water in a spray bottle and spray all parts of the tire — tread, sidewalls, the valve stem and opening (with the cap removed), and along the rim on both sides. 2. You find a spot where bubbles start to form. That’s where the air is leaking. 3. https://www.autozone.com/tire-repair-and-tire-wheel/tire-plugger-kit/slime-t-handle-tire-plugger-kit/486791_0_0?spps.s=6429&cmpid=LIA:US:EN:AD:NL:1000000:TRW:71700000060668488&gclid=CjwKCAjwv4_1BRAhEiwAtMDLsiLC7ODuWy-neUNjwGoPvx29a9OG1b4MHLvsJnuwiR6RjfVYYNSexhoC4moQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ODBx-HM-Ik https://cafe.naver.com/nonwoorhee nonwoorhee@gmail.com I agree to the terms of service Comment