Home Talk Politics 밑에.지 어짜피가는길에 태워주는거 친구헌테 수고비 뜯어 먹을려는 얘보니 전라도 섬놈 기질이잇다 여기 영상 전라도가 전라도를 말하다 밑에.지 어짜피가는길에 태워주는거 친구헌테 수고비 뜯어 먹을려는 얘보니 전라도 섬놈 기질이잇다 여기 영상 전라도가 전라도를 말하다 Name * Password * Email Dear Mr. Dodo I am feeling sorry for what you have beed said so far. As a half blood of Korean, I have never derated or belittle the country., south korea before since I relized my father came from Korea. I think you are currently pretending as if you were kinda representative of USA but only a few dickhead seems to have agreed with you. so the point is what I utterlly emhaisize on with. not only is fucking off you but you should be also ashamed of yourself and just frigging mind their business. Thanks I agree to the terms of service Comment