As of 2013, Ballantyne had a population of 22,704. The racial makeup of the neighborhood was 69.2 White American, 11.3% Asian American, 10.3% Black or African American, and 2.5% of some other race. Hispanic or Latino American of any race were 6.7% of the population. The median household income for the area was $96,435.
말씀하신 인종은 2.5% of some other race 여기에 포함되겠네요
(아시안계)2세 혹은 미국국적자는 10.3%이겠네요
아이들 학교때문이면 해당 isd에 직접 (가능한지는 모르겠으나) 데모그래픽 ratio를 알려달라고 할수도 있지 않나 싶네요
참고로 모든건 위키랑 인터넷에서 찾음