회사가 합병되거나 팔릴 경우의 H1B

  • #97109
    H1 192.***.59.9 8962

    2000/06/03 송준헌 juliansong@worldnet.att.net

    다음 내용에 따르면 인수 합병등의 이유로 회사가 새로운 federal tax identification number를 갖게 되는 경우 H1B amended petition이 필요 합니다.

    2. Company Mergers/Acquisitions and H-1Bs

    In a letter to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS),
    an attorney enquired whether an amended H1B petition is required in the following scenario:

    Two companies merge and a successor-in-interest is created
    with a new federal tax identification number
    but all foreign nationals remain in the same job positions and work locations.

    In addition, the attorney asked these follow-up questions:

    a) Whether the petitioner is required to pay the $500 H-1B supplemental fee;

    b) Whether the $500 H-1B supplemental fee is required
    when an amended H-1B petition is filed
    to reflect the new federal tax identification number,
    but no H1B extension of time requested on Form I-129;

    c) If INS would accept petitions filed after the previous company has been dissolved; and

    d) Whether there is a time frame in which amended petitions,
    pursuant to a change in federal tax identification number, must be filed.

    In the immigration law context,
    a successor-in-interest is a generally regarded as a company
    that assumes all the rights and obligations of the predecessor company.

    In response to the questions posed above,
    INS agreed that a successor-in-interest was created
    in the situation described, and stated that an H1B amended petition is not required.

    However the INS pointed out that if a new Labor Condition Application (LCA) is required pursuant
    to the Department of Labor’s regulation, amended H1B petitions must be filed.
    Since the Department of Labor does indeed require a new LCA if there is a new,
    that would mean that an amended H1B petition is, in fact, required!

    INS also reiterated that the $500 filing fee is not required for amended petitions
    unless the amended petition requests an extension of the beneficiary’s stay.

    INS further pointed out that current regulations do not specify a specific time frame
    for filing the H1B amended petition. However, it is suggested that employers
    and their representatives file the H1B amended petitions as soon as possible
    after the occurrence of the event necessitating the filing of the H1B amendments.

    According to the INS, an amended petition may be filed with the INS
    even if a predecessor company has already been dissolved.

    2000/07/28 경험자

    회사가 통째로 인수되는 경우는 당장에 Transfer 하지 않고도 합법적으로 인수된 회사에 근무할 수 있습니다.

    하지만 회사이름이나 소유주가 바뀌긴 바뀐 것이므로 다니면서 천천히 Transfer하면 됩니다.

    저도 처음에 변호사가 빨랑 transfer하지 않으면 큰일 난다고 했는데 (불법체류가 된다나), 실제로 회사는 5월에 팔리고 그에 따른 트랜스퍼를 해야된다는 사실을 안게 연말, 서류 넣고 트랜스퍼 완료된것은 해를 넘겨서 였습니다.

    만약에 제가 새 회사에 근무하는게 불법이었다면 트랜스퍼가 안되었겠지요.

    나중에 이민법 관련 웹싸이트를 찾아 봤는데, 회사가 통째로 팔리면 새 회사에서 근무하면서 월급받는게 불법이 아니지만 Transfer는 하는게 좋다고 나왔습니다.

    H1B/H4 상태에서 공부할수 있나요?

    물론 가능합니다. H1 또는 가족비자인 H4로 미국의 대학(원)에 입학하는데는 전혀 문제가 없습니다.

    Application을 작성하실때 현재 비자 status 란에 H1이라고 쓰시고 여권의 비자 stamping을 복사 해서 함께 제출하면 됩니다.

    단, F1으로 학교를 다닐때는 학교에서 teaching assistant 또는 reseach assistant등 job을 잡을 수 있지만, H1(H4)로는 불가능 하다는 것과 졸업후 1년간 주어지는 Practical Training을 받을수 없다는 차이점이 있을 뿐입니다.