얼마전 Honda dealer에서 새차를 구입했습니다. 3분의 1 다운페이하고 나머지는 Honda special loan (American Honda Finance Cooperation, 2.9 % 60 month)을 하였습니다.
미국서 처음 새차구입이라 아리송한게 많습니다. 구입당시 여러계약서에 간단한 설명을 들은후 서명하였는데, 영어가 짧은지라 전부 완벽히 이해하지는 못했습니다. 집에와서 각 문서들을 다시 살펴보니 “Rider to installment contract”란 것이 있는데, 여러 의문점이 생깁니다. 원문을 아래에 카피 하였습니다.
여기서 third party라는 것이 American Honda Finance Cooperation을 의미하는 건지요?
대략 third party가 이 계약서를 승인하지 않으면 차를 다시 달라는 예기인거 같은데 맞는지요?구입할 당시에, 딜러측에서 제 크레딧 스코어 확인하고 (trans union, 750점), 점수 좋아서 AHFC loan 할수 있다고 하였고, 할부계약서에도 2.9% 60 month에 다달이 얼마 내면 된다고 써있는걸 확인하고 (이건 계산기 두두려가면서 잘 확인했습니다) 서명했습니다. 그리고 그 다음날 딜러로 부터 한통의 편지를 받았는데, AHFC에 너의 loan을 할당(assignment)했고, 곧 AHFC로 부터 pay book이 도착할거다, 만일 다음달 첫 due date전까지 안 도착하면 첫 payment를 이곳으로 (AHFC)보내라는…..
저는 AHFC로 부터 승인이 된거라고 생각했었는데, AHFC로 부터 pay book받을 때까지 기다려야야 최종승인 여부를 알수 있는건지요?
만일 이미 승인된것 이라면, 아래 계약서 내용에 더이상 신경쓰지 않아도 되는 것인지요?
아래의 계약서는 딜러에서 신차구입시에 일반적으로 필요로 하는것인지요?혹 잘못된 문서에 서명했나 걱정이 많습니다.
경험있으신 분들의 답변 부탁드리겠습니다. 감사합니다.아래에서 ****Honda는 딜러 이름입니다. 딜러이름은 제가 ****로 표시했습니다.
Rider To Installment Contract
The customer named above acknowledges that this rider is made a part of and is incorporated into the purchase or lease contract between the Dealer named above (“**** Honda(dealer’s name)”) and customer entered into on or about the above date.Notwithstanding that **** Honda many have executed your documents as seller, lender and/or assignee, the customer understands and agrees that ****Honda shall not be obligated to sell or lease unless a third party agrees to purchase the motor vehicle retail installment contract or lease contract signed by the customer with the purchase or lease contract and this rider. Customer authorizes ****Honda to insert the name of any third-party assignee/lender on the retail installment contract signed by customer. Customer agrees to reasonably cooperate in obtaining such third party approval including but not limited to the providing of support documentation required for the credit application. The purchase contract, retail installment contract or lease contract may be cancelled at any time by ****Honda if ****Honda determines, in its sole discretion that it cannot obtain a third-party approval and may be cancelled by either party within 90 days if third party approval is not obtained on the agreed terms.
In the event that the third party finance or lease source requires customer to execute its own form of lease or retail installment contract, customer agrees to promptly execute such substitute form provided that no material terms are different. The failure by customer to so upon request, shall constitute a breach of contract by the customer.
Customer agrees to return the vehicle within twenty-four hours after notice that ****Honda has not obtained third party approval and ****Honda agrees to return any down payment or trade-in (or proceeds from the sale of the trade-in) by the customer. The failure to return the vehicle by customer shall be considered theft. Customer authorizes ****Honda to REPOSSES the vehicle, with or without legal process, if customer refuses to return it within twenty-four hours.After return of the vehicle being purchased or leased, customer agrees and acknowledges that h/she shall remain liable to ****Honda for any damage to the vehicle, other than ordinary wear and tear, third party liability as a result of the customer’s use of the vehicle or for any loss to ****Honda as a result of customers’ failure to timely return the vehicle. In addition to any other recovery, ****Honda SHALL ALSO BE ENTITLED TO REASEONALBE ATTORNEYS FEES and cost incurred in seeking recovery form the customer.