accident and fine

  • #6392
    please 204.***.6.45 4792

    I hit a guard rail on I-70.

    My car was stuck in the cable.

    The cable was not disconnected but the few poles were falling off from the cable.

    Nobody got involved or hurt.

    In this case, do you expect the fine would be the sum of the court fee and the cost to fix the cable?

    • 63.***.29.114

      음.. 가드레일을 비롯한 도로시설이나 파워폴 등은 정말 비쌉니다.. -.- 제가 아는 분이 꾸벅 졸다가 가드레일을 밀었는데.. 마침 경찰이 있어서 티켓받고 망가진 가드레일 물어냈는데.. 막상 찌그러진 가드레일은 80 feet 정도였는데.. 3 피스를 갈아야 했죠.. 피스당 700불인가.. 암튼 거의 2천불정도 날렸습니다.

    • please 204.***.6.45

      huk…mine were only cable and poles to hold the cable…i’m so scared….-_-;;; next tuesday, we’ll see how much i should pay. anyway, thank you for the answer