z야. 아랫글 잘 읽어보고 여자꼬시는법 터득하기 바란다

  • #410501
    14 75.***.106.245 2524

    하는짓이 불쌍해서…아래글 공부좀 해보라고. 

    여자사귀는 비결이 들어있다.

    She claimed that she and Baldwin had a date just after
    Valentine’s Day in 2011, which allegedly included a ride through Central
    Park, a play and dinner at Elio’s, a fancy Italian restaurant on the
    Upper East Side.

    She told the court that Baldwin promised “to make sure you have the night of your life.”

    Sabourin said her and Baldwin took a cab to the Lowell Hotel, where she was staying.

    She told the court that they went to her room and that, “He kissed me. The way he kissed me confirmed we were very compatible.”

    making love, she said that “we cuddled” the next morning and that
    Baldwin “made me all kinds of promises,” including a unique promise to
    make her omelets everyday – her favorite food.

    She said her attempts to reach Baldwin were meant to get “closure.”

    “He’s never giving me my chance to speak to him,” she said. “I don’t want to create drama.”

    “On an emotional level he made sure he had the fish on the hook,” Sabourin said.

    At another point, she said, “This guy he knows what to say. He’s a professional charmer.”

    • 방어 75.***.106.245

      순진한 여자들이 조심할 사항!
      The real sicko in this story is Baldwin. He has profound NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) and a Dr Campbell in Georgia specializes in the study of their behavior. This poor woman should have hired Gloria Allred.These guys are very predatory and know how to seduce for the fun of it; like a shark playing with prey before the fatal bite. Typical behavior includes intense staring, intense short courtship with one goal in mind: hump and dump. Meanwhile the chick is thinking this is the most intense, special guy living on the planet. Baldwin’s past road kill includes the beautiful Kim Basinger. They typically have rage and control issues. Christie Brinkley was also unfortunately married to an NPD. Look for really nasty divorces and I wouldn’t be surprised to hear of Hilaria’s soon enough.

    • 1122 184.***.49.138

      원글자님.. 근데 문제는 z는 영어를 읽을 줄 모른다는…..

    • 뜬금 12.***.209.194

      뜬근없이 뭐하는 거죠? 별 내용 없고 시덥지 않은건 얼마전 올라온 똥사진 수준이네요