Anybody around Philadelphia?

  • #408972
    Philly 199.***.181.254 4520

    Sorry to write in English. I can’t use Korean from work.

    I moved here about 5 months ago and working around fort washington area which is 10 miles away from downtown. I met many Korean people, 1~ 2 Gen, mostly 1.5Gens who are living and working here. But can’t meet people in the similiar situation.

    Philadelphia is great palce to live in the point of that you can enjoy both city and surburban life at the same time. If you are interested in below topics. Please reply through here.

    1. Golf
    (Many marvelous courses around the city and CHEAP ,too!!!)

    2. Kayaking and Hiking
    (if you drive 1 hr from the city, you can easily locate into a beautiful forest. I happened to know a guy in an outdoor club, called AMC. They frontiered some good territorian tracks and streams.)

    3. Studying at UPenn
    (Eventually, my company approves to reimburse the course that I will take. I am appying for a master course at UPenn. it’s a great priviledge to have a Ivy league school that everyone can afford ony if you try not hard but right!! we can share the tips all the time.)

    4. OneDay trip to NY
    (11/2hr train-ride from Trenton will put you in the core center of uptown Newyork where you can either jump into K-town to chase some old spirit ,or explore some heavier urban rituals)

    5. Late Hang-out in Barnes & Novel or LA fitness center
    (I figured out most of philadelphians in our age group(30s) would do this!)

    6. Clubbing at South Street
    (Late Saturday Night, if you want to hit the road and feel the warm breeze of mid-spring. you should definately try some art gallery and Rave clubs in downtown. We might be too old for this. but definately worth it to try since you are in Philly.)

    hope to find a good company !!

    • boston 76.***.40.208

      thanks for your posting.
      I visited Philly couple times and always got good impressions from the city.
      I like museums there like Rodin museum and Art Museum.

    • Philly 199.***.181.254

      Oh you did. Well I enrolled in one-year museum memberships for the museum of art. The museum is more famous for its scene in Rocky I where stalone exercised and ran up to the stairs of front porch of museum. At last season, we had Frida Kahlo for exhibition. I never visited Boston before but I am sure you have many art resource throughout city.

    • 이제겨우 128.***.28.1

      저는 같은 PA 이긴 합니다만 반대쪽이라… ㅠㅠ

    • ex-PA 24.***.134.97

      이제겨우님/ PA 반대쪽이면 피츠버그?

    • boston 76.***.40.208

      I knew about Frida Kahlo exhibition from last summer but couldn’t make it. well. hope the exhibition comes to Boston as well.

    • ON 68.***.59.126

      저도 필라에 있습니다.
      야외활동을 많이 하시나보군요.
      박물관 가는 거랑 바에 가는 것은 관심이 같군요 …
      그 외 다른 것은 제가 채력이 모자라서 …
      우선 체력을 기른 다음에나 가능할 것 같고 ..
      하여튼 반갑습니다.

    • Philly 199.***.181.254

      Hi ON,
      it’s great to have someone at Philly. Please contact me so that we can talk something about life at Philadelphia at a bar. I don’t know how long you stayed at here but my stories have been filed up during my stay for 6 months.