1월 문호

    • 멍청죄 174.***.192.173

      멍청한 죄로 싫어로 박아드렸습니다. 무슨 카테고리인지 까지 말해줘야지 pd만 말해주고 문호에 들어가냐고 물어보면 대답을 못해줍니다.

    • Weejee Yoon 116.***.182.9


    • 멍청죄 96.***.22.100

      대답해 주려고 다시 왔는데 멍청죄 상습범이시네요. eb3도 숙련과 비숙련으로 나누어집니다. 영주권 받으시려는 분이 영주권에 대해서 공부도 안 하시고 이런 마음가짐으로 영주권 제대로 받을 수 있겠습니까? 지금 보니까 여기다 물어볼 때가 아니라 일단 영주권에 대해서 기본적인 지식부터 공부하셔야겠네요.

      • 사가지죄 96.***.104.162

        진짜 사가지 없게 말하네 ㅋ 토종 코리안 만년 과장이 같다 ㅋㅋ 헬라바마 스타일이네 ㅋ

    • Weejee Yoon 1.***.44.27

      Eb3 pro입니다

    • 멍청죄 96.***.22.100

      승인 가능 날짜와 정확히 같은 날짜면 포함 안됩니다. 승인 가능 날짜보다 더 이전 날짜여야 포함입니다.

    • 나나 159.***.36.12

      이래서 심사가 까다롭구나…..

    • Dem 38.***.235.238

      말들이 좀 너무 심하신듯… 문호 가면 eb3 pro 12/01/22 나와있는데.. 다들 말 좀 이쁘게 합시다..

      저도 잘 모르겠는데 챗GPT랑 구글, 레딧에서는 공시 날짜 포함된거라고 나오는데요?

    • 레퍼런스의 중요성 73.***.65.146

      잘 모르시면 USCIS website에 가서 쓰여진대로 읽으면 됩니다. 카더라 통신에 의존하는 버릇은 해롭습니다.

    • Dem 38.***.235.238

      참고용으로 챗지피티 내용입니다.. 변호사한테 확인해보시면 정확하겠네요.

      Yes, your case is current for January based on the Visa Bulletin you shared.

      Here’s why:
      • Under EB-3 (Employment-Based Third Preference) for “All Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed,” the Final Action Date is 01DEC22.
      • The note specifies that only applicants with priority dates earlier than or up to the listed Final Action Date are eligible.
      • Since your priority date is 12/01/22, it is exactly the Final Action Date, meaning your case is current for January.

      This means USCIS can now process your case, and you are eligible for final adjudication (green card issuance), assuming all other requirements (e.g., admissibility, completed documentation) are met.

      The confusion about whether the date listed as the Final Action Date includes or excludes that day stems from the wording of the note. However, based on longstanding interpretation and practice by the Department of State and USCIS, the date listed as the Final Action Date is always inclusive. This means if your priority date is exactly the same as the Final Action Date, your case is considered current.

      Here are key points to clarify:
      1. Interpretation of “Earlier Than”:
      • While the note states that visa numbers are authorized for applicants whose priority date is “earlier than” the Final Action Date, the published date marks the cutoff point and is included in eligibility.
      • Applicants with a priority date on or before the listed date are eligible to proceed.
      2. Official Practice:
      • The USCIS and Visa Bulletin announcements consistently include the Final Action Date in the pool of applicants eligible for processing. This has been confirmed through practical application in prior cases  .
      3. Example from Visa Bulletins:
      • Past bulletins have been implemented this way: If the Final Action Date is listed as 01DEC22, applicants with priority dates of 12/01/22 or earlier are processed for visa issuance.


      If your priority date is 12/01/22, and the Final Action Date for EB-3 ROW is 01DEC22, your case is considered current in January. You should confirm directly with USCIS or your attorney for peace of mind, but historical precedence strongly supports this interpretation.

    • Ss 96.***.110.179

      저도 pd 12/1/2022 eb3 입니다
      포함 안된걸로 이해하고 있습니다
      CRP 무한지옥 시작

      • 오우야 108.***.36.251

        포함이라고 변호사님께 답변 받았습니다!

    • ahh 75.***.92.89

      The statement from the Visa Bulletin:

      “(NOTE: Numbers are authorized for issuance only for applicants whose priority date is earlier than the final action date listed below.)”

      creates ambiguity when the Priority Date (PD) is exactly the same as the Final Action Date. However, based on common practice and interpretation by USCIS and the Department of State, if your Priority Date matches the Final Action Date, you are considered current.

      Key Points:
      “Earlier than the Final Action Date” Clause:

      While the statement explicitly says “earlier,” it is generally interpreted that a PD that matches the Final Action Date is also current.
      This aligns with how USCIS processes cases, as the Final Action Date is inclusive of all PDs up to and including that date.
      No Explicit Language for Matching Dates:

      The language does not specifically address what happens when the PD matches the cut-off date, but historical practice indicates that matching is treated as current for adjudication purposes.
      Confirmation from USCIS Guidance:

      Past cases and legal experts confirm that a PD equal to the Final Action Date is eligible for final adjudication. This includes green card issuance or I-485 processing.

      Your Situation:
      PD: 12/01/2022.

      Final Action Date for January 2025 (EB3): 12/01/2022.

      Since your PD matches the Final Action Date, you are current as of January 2025. USCIS can process your application for final approval during this time.

    • Weejee Yoon 1.***.44.27

      “The statement from visa bulletin”이라고
      되어있는데 usics에서 확인하신건가요?

      • ahh 75.***.92.89

        네, 그 “the statement”가 USCIS에서 찾은 (NOTE: Numbers are authorized for issuance only for applicants whose priority date is earlier than the final action date listed below.)입니다.

    • 경험자 74.***.21.191

      정확히 포함 안됩니다.
      변호사도 모르고 485 넣었다가 날짜때문에 승인 거절 됐습니다.

    • 나똥싸 45.***.140.159

      포함이 될 수도 있고 안될 수도 있습니다