Quote of the day (Dec. 4th)

abc 72.***.127.61

보통은 사이언스 사람들은 그냥 자기 일만 하지 않나?
–> I don’t think so, especially when a new idea is revolutionary; for instance, in the early 20th century when quantum physics was developed, there were strong debates (Einstein vs. Schrodinge etc.).
Though I have to admit that, there are not many revolutionary ideas these days (or more likely I’m not aware of them. )

디지탈 문명은 사실 어느날 갑자기 사라져버릴 엄청 휘발성이 높은 무형적인 문명수단이기 때문에 후세를 생각하면 다른 더 오래 지속보존가능한 걸로 대체되어야 해.

–> Good point. I still have 40+ years old CDs but lost all of my mp3 music files.