알리익스프레스의 쇼핑몰 솔루션

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(2014) 40% Products Sold Online In China Are Fake; Alibaba Alone Sold $45B Of Counterfeit Products In 2014!

(2018) Reality check: can Alibaba rescue its reputation from counterfeiters?

여기 기사 나온 거 발췌하면…
“To be fair, Alibaba has been publicly tackling this problem for some time. … (중략…)… Despite these efforts many argue that Alibaba is far from solving the problem. Sucharita Kodali, a vice-president and principal analyst at Forrester, says many initiatives are simply lip service. … (중략…)… “They of course will say they care about it, but are they really working hard enough to stop it? No,” she says. Ultimately, Amazon and Alibaba really don’t have an incentive to. Their incentive is to get as much on their platforms as they can.”…