
dddd 173.***.229.14

Bro. I’ve worked there myself. yes there is some up and downs but let me explain this shit for you all, so you can get this shit straight.

First of all, what I wanted to tell these people was that, if you haven’t worked there, stop talking shit with all the things you’ve just heard because that just makes you a person who got nothing to do other than comment on something that you’ve heard from someone and haven’t gone through yourself really.

secondly, what I meant was that, yes I know all about working long hours, and there is up and downs and shit but the thing is they do have many rewarding programs, and they reward their employees for things that they do. how many companies do that really these days? apple? samsung? this company was in the national TV for rewarding their employees really well and as a employee who worked at this company I can tell you that 100% of what they talked about was true dawg.

now let’s talk about the pay. this is really all up to the individuals, experience, and shit. if this is your first job out of college, or first job not out of high school, it dont matter where you go, you will always be a thug of the company, and not get well treated for any kinda shit you do. but even at AJIN, if you got a lot of experience, they will pay pretty well and they wont say nuttin to you bc if you leave early or something. it’s really all about who you are, and what you can do for the company so don’t even complain.

one thing I do agree is the lifestyle living around there. but thats not just for AJIN that goes out to all companies in alabama. yes living in alabama sucks! but what I’m tryin to say is that you can’t blame that shit on AJIN man.