방송용 디스플레이 고객서비스 담당 인재를 모집합니다: 영화/영상관련 경력자

  • #2909238
    TVLogic America 71.***.71.122 955

    TVLogic America

    Burbank, CA, USA

    TVLogic은 한국업계 1위의 방송용 모니터 및 관련 기기 생산업체로서
    Burbank, California 에 위치한 미주법인 에서 고객서비스를 담당할 인재를 모집합니다.

    영화/영상 전공자 혹은 관련 경력이 필요하며 주 업무는 Customer service /repair 입니다.

    Please email resume to: tvlogicamerica1@gmail.com
    Website: http://www.tvlogicusa.com

    TVLogic America are responsible for the repair and maintenance of our
    broadcast monitor equipment. We are seeking knowledgeable, highly motivated
    individuals to repair and support TVLogic customers and dealers.

    Main Job Description (in detail) :

    1. At least 2 years of experience in related field preferred.
    (able to read schematic and have experience in soldering)
    2. Generate monthly report for ARAP & inventory status.
    3. Report to CEO and to C/S team in HQ.
    4. Return material troubleshoot & repair. Work closely with C/S in HQ.
    5. Troubleshoot, help & support customers & dealers request over the phone & email.
    6. Process PO, shipping & receiving.
    7. Send out invoice & quote, process payments from vendors and customers.
    8. Oversee inventory status, place an order for warranty & non warranty parts.

    Benefits: Medical Insurance, Paid vacation, Annual Bonus
    Salary: Discussed Upon Interview
    Type of Work: Full Time


    Bachelor’s degree preferred.
    U.S. Residents.
    Excellent verbal, writing, and organizational skills.
    Must be fluent in English and Korean.
    Window operating system knowledge (Outlook, excel, word, etc.)
    Technical and/or electrical skills preferred, but not required.
    Must demonstrate ability to clearly communicate with Guests and other Team Members.