CPA사무실에서 인재를 찾고 있습니다.
미주 최대의
한인 회계법인 Choi, Kim &
Park, LLP에서는
함께 일할 젊고 유능한 새 인재를 찾고 있습니다.
당신의 꿈을 CKP에서 이루십시오.
The largest Korean-American accounting firm in the United States,
Choi, Kim & Park, LLP is currently seeking qualified professional staffs as
Current openings are:
• Junior staff, entry level or some related job experience
General requirements for a professional staff are:
• A BA/BS degree in accounting or related field
• Must be a CPA candidate,
• Must be bilingual and fluent both in English and Korean
• Strong written and oral communication skills
• Should be motivated and a team player
Please send your cover letter and resume to ckphr@ckpcpas.com.