[Head Hunting] HRD officer

  • #168936
    hennymccoy 14.***.236.29 1391

    ▣ Company: 외국계 유명 패션 회사

    ▣ Position: HRD 

    ▣ Korean Title: 대리 

    ▣ Responsibility 
    1. Plan, organize and develop the training for HQ staffs and Sales persons with vendor and the related team; On-line, Off line Training, Functional Training ,Video Training and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
    2. Consolidate and analyze the result (the level of satisfaction) and continual follow up training participants to ensure the needs of business
    3. Designs and develop induction programme and others related to new comers to be aligned with business strategy
    4. Prepares, monitors and controls the company’s annual training budget.
    5. Takes charge of the organization of enterprise-wide events & committee; News Letter, Quarterly business update meeting, Hof Day, All employee workshop and Culture Team
    6. Composes and communicates training reports periodically to company management team
    7. Coordinate Mystery Shopper Programme, analyse the result and communicate & follow up the action plan
    8. Organize PDR process and follow up the result; Year End review and Mid Year review
    9. Develop and follow up the action plan for the deployment plan of Better Together
    10. Keeps abreast with innovations and developments of training techniques, methods and programs in line with the company’s development
    11. Manages external training vendors and explores new training courses/channels
    12. Actively supports any other HR initiatives led by the HR Director 

    ▣ Requirments
    – 3~6 years of relevant experience 
    – Good Communication skill with fluency in English 
    – Depth knowledge of HRD and related training & development 
    – Experience of Development programme planning, performance-based management 
    – Competency assessment programme 
    – Excellent interpersonal skills, time management and problem solving skillsGood Computer skill (MS Office) 
    – Experience with Luxury or Fashion industry preferred 

    ▣ Location : 서울시 강남구

    ▣ 전형방법 
    – 서류 및 면접 전형 
    – 서류 전형에 합격한 분에 한하여 개별 연락을 드립니다. 

    ▣ 제출서류 
    – 한글과 영문이력서를 MS-Word 양식으로 e-mail로 보내주시기 바랍니다. 
    – E-mail 제목에 ‘본인 이름 및 지원분야 [예: Daniel – HRD officer]’기재 
    – 제출마감시간 : 채용시까지

    ▣ 연락처 
    Senior Manager, Felix Won 
    Mobile      82-10-5112-2317 
    Office      82-2-508-7406 
    Email       felix@hennymccoy.com