Web/App 개발 회사(Startup)에서 UX/UI Designer를 구합니다. (비자 스폰서 가능)

  • #168445
    Richard 76.***.131.242 2243

    저희는 저희가 아이디어,
    개발, 마케팅 까지 모두다 내에서 진행하는

    * *  

    Things We Look For:

    Expertise with design tools such as Photoshop,
    Illustrator, Indesign, etc.

    Familiarity with web technologies such as HTML5,
    CSS3, Javascript and jQuery

    Experience designing web and mobile apps is a PLUS

    Experience with video production and editing is
    a PLUS

    Strong verbal and visual communication skills is
    a PLUS

    • Buck 75.***.61.7

      I’m interested in this. How can I contact you?

    • clodie 1.***.185.245

      웹, 앱 디자인 경력4년차 입니다 아직 구인중이신지 궁금합니다