save money

  • #166516
    Money 68.***.236.49 3599

    I  just wanted  ask to you, how many percentage of money could you save a year?
    I am really frustrated about saving money……
    We just started  saving money around 5-10% of our salaries beginning of Jan

    We do not have any  baby and finished  a house and cars payment five year ago
    but still couldn’t save money.

    My husband and me both making very good money (I considering) but I don’t know where all money gone!

    I said to my husband if I take care all money then I can deal better than this but it is impossible who live with American husband.

    • 관리 207.***.132.30

      돈 흐름부터 관리부터 해보세요. 같은 사이트 가셔서 계좌 다 넣고 카드 번호 넣으면 돈 흐름이 보입니다. 그걸로 구체적으로 얼마 어떻게 쓰는지 살펴보세요. 두 분 다 돈을 잘 벌고 (20만불은 훌쩍 넘을 것 같은데요) 애도 없고 집/차 페이도 끝났으면 적어도 한 분의 수입은 100% 저축이 되어야 하는 거 아닌가요? 무턱대고 이런 질문 하지 마시고 일단 돈 흐름을 봐야 어디를 아낄지가 나오겠죠. 저는 위에 언급한 사이트로 돈 흐름이 보이니 어디를 얼마나 아껴야 할지 감이 쉽게 잡히더군요.

    • Yes 192.***.2.36

      Yes, I think many Americans don’t consider about saving that big money. My salary is much higher than the average in my area. And I just bought a luxury german car in this year. I found there is huge difference between American’s and Korean’s thoughts.

      My american co-workers say like, why didn’t you buy upper model? You can afford for it and even you are single! In fact, not only americans, but ppl from India, Tailand, and even Chinese say like that.

      In the other hand, many of Koreans, but not all of them, in my company say like, you will regret later if you don’t save all you make now! In fact, I still save $1,000/mo. Many koreans seem to think saving money is the best option in their life. It is still controversial.

      Anyway, americans consider it very important to enjoy their present! So, your husband may not be serious about your concern. You may need to talk about it with your husband if you really worry about it. But that is what americans think at least in my opinion.

    • tips 72.***.111.17

      Here is my 2cents…
      – put maximum amount to your 401k (both) – 17K X 2 = 34K (you and your husband) that will help reducing tax brackets. b/c it looks to me you may pay a lot of tax since you both make income with not many deduction.
      – Also save money by direct deposit to saving account before paycheck landing to checking account.
      If you both make more than 200K/year gross income, you can save at least 60k-70k/per in your situation… Think about it if you can do this just 3 years… your saving is already more than 200K. also you can retire earlier than your thought…