캐나다에서 미국으로 차 가져오기 Importing a Vehicle into US

  • #16476
    착한아이v 98.***.36.82 7258

    현재 2009 산타페를 사정으로 인해 캐나다에서 가져오려고 하는데요..

    절차좀 가르쳐 주세요. 일리노이로 오려고 합니다..
    미국시민권 없고요 F-1 학생비자만 있습니다. 
    관광비자도 혹시 차를 소유해서 등록할수 있나 궁금합니다. 
    혹시 모자란 정보가 있으면 메일이나 댓글 달아주세요!
    빠른 답변 부탁 드립니다..
    Importing a vehicle into US (Illinois)
    I am trying to import my 2009 Santa Fe into US
    I do not have the citizenship of US
    I only have the F-1 Student Visa
    Please share some of your wisdom
    how to import it into US…
    • dg 128.***.239.233

      Bring Korean car from Canada to US may not easy because of different regulation.
      Korean car in Canada is different than the same kind of car in US.
      At least it was true 8 years ago.
      Somebody lived in Toronto, tried to bring Sonata-purchased in Canada- to LA, but finally he gave it up and sold in Canada.
      If you would like to bring the Santafe to US, Hyundai car dealer in Canada needs to make a letter which will note that Santafe is produced to keep all of US regulation.
      Go to the Hyundai dealer and ask them the letter, if they can make it, you can bring it to US.

      • 착한아이v 98.***.36.82

        Thank you very much for your concern.
        It really helped.
        So I was debating on whether sell it in Canada or bring it to US..
        After the letter, what would be the next procedure if you could please

    • dg 24.***.0.17

      I cannot remember exactly because it was 8 years ago already.
      I think, I checked US customs web page or following page.


      There was several paper include letter from Hyundai dealershop, and report to US customs when you drive in to US, customs will make some paper for you to register in US DMV.
      – you may need to visit police office for verification of car visual inspection(very simple, police officer will look your car and will sign a paper), it was in MA, but it didn’t required in WA.

      • 착한아이v 99.***.44.188

        Would there be any taxation while i am going through the US customs?

    • Asset 74.***.128.153

      작년에 캐나다에서 혼다 오딧시 가져왔었어요. 그때 상당히 오래 찾아보고 했는데, 지금은 잘 기억이 안나네요. 죄송. 일단 자동차론이 하나도 없어야 하고, 미국영주권자나 시민권자는 관세를 내야하는데 학생등 비자를 가진 사람들은 관세를 안내도 되었고, 저는 국경에서 하지 않고 보스톤까지 가지고 와서 거기 세관에서 했었어요. 윗분 말씀대로 미국 규정에 맞는 차만 들여올수 있어요. 저는 혼다 캐나다에 연락해서 미국 규정에 맞는 자동차라는 공식편지를 받아서 제출했었어요. 아마 RMV에서 Grey Market Vehicle Import 로 검색해 보면 어떻게 해야 하는지 나올꺼예요.

    • bk 151.***.224.45

      importing car from canada is easier than that of from korea.
      ive done it 6 years ago to Chicago as well.
      all u have to do is pay fees and get it inspected.
      the inspection is tougher than the ones that are sold in the states
      but the state of Illinois only focuses on the emission control.

      mine was a 99 GTR and it was only manufactured as JDM. (Meaning, the steering is only on the right side)
      I still passed everything and got it plated by the DMV.
      Ofcourse it was approved as a show-car purpose, but who cares. I drove it
      for 20,000 miles.