옛날에 Toyota에서 GM 미션을 갔다 썼나요?

  • #16296
    미션 180.***.198.86 10216

    2000 캠리인데 미션 오일 규격이 Dexron-III 인데, Dexron은 GM 규격이라고 합니다.
    요즘 Toyota 차량은 T-III, T-IV 규격, 즉 토요타 규격인 듯 하네요..

    그렇다는 얘기는 요즘에는 토요타에서 미션을 자체 것으로 쓰지만,
    예전에는 GM 미션을 갔다 쓴 건 가요?

    예전에는 토요타에서 미션을 못 만들었는지요?

    • 정답 75.***.162.213

      automatic 트랜스미션오일이 크게 두종류로 나뉩니다. 트랜스미션종류에 따라 맞는 오일을 쓰지 않으면 트랜스미션이 오작동할수 있고 수리비용이 많이 들어가게 됩니다. 요즘에는 각 회사별로 자기네 오일을 써야만 한다고도 하는데 아래 깨알글씨로 다른 타입도 급하면 사용할수 있다 등으로 명시되어 있습니다.
      대개 종류는
      * ATF+4 – Most Dodge, Jeep, and Chrysler [1]
      * Mercon V – Most Ford, Mercury, Lincoln
      * Mercon LV – Some Ford(DuratecHE),MAZDA in Europe or Asia
      * Dexron VI – Most GM products, some Ford applications
      * ATF-Z1 (Being phased out as of 2011) – All Honda and Acura (except CVT)
      * ATF DW-1 – All Honda and Acura (except CVT)
      * SP-III – All Hyundai, Mitsubishi and Kia (except CVT and dual clutch)

      토요타나 타 회사에서 GM 트랜스미션을 사용했다는 것이 아니라 같은 오일을 사용하도록 설계되어 있다는 뜻입니다.

    • 그러면 216.***.54.7

      Mobil ATF 3309 이건 뭔가요? 저 위의 다른 걸로 교체 가능한가요?

    • 정답 158.***.10.101

      인터넷 찾아보면 다 나옵니다

      Mobil ATF 3309

      Mobil ATF 3309 is an exceptionally high-performance lubricant that meets original equipment manufacturers’ specifications for use in certain slip-controlled lock-up automatic transmissions manufactured by Aisin AW Co. Ltd.
      Mobil ATF 3309

      * High performance for specific requirements:
      o Specially selected friction modifiers and highly refined base oils to meet the demanding requirements of Aisin slip controlled lock up converter automatic transmissions.

      * Meets key OEM requirements:
      o For many Toyota, Lexus, Volvo, Saturn, VW and other imported and domestic vehicles where Aisin transmissions are used.

      o Meets key Type T-IV for Toyota/Lexus vehicles

      Mobil ATF 3309 is recommended for use in transmissions made by Aisin AW requiring a fluid approved against Type T-IV, JWS 3309, GM 9986195 and Audi G-052-025-A2. These Aisin AW transmissions are used in CERTAIN domestic and foreign vehicles, including Toyota, Lexus, Audi, Saturn, Ford, Volvo, Volkswagen, Saab, Porsche, and Mitsubishi.

      The unique formulation of Mobil ATF 3309 is designed to provide excellent lubrication of transmissions in specified Aisin AW slip-controlled lock-up automatic transmissions. These outstanding performance capabilities translate into significant operational benefits, including:

      * Excellent lubricating characteristics for quiet operation and smooth shifting in approved transmissions.

      * Controlled friction properties for smooth and efficient transmission of power across all normal temperature ranges.

      * Helps to control transmission shudder and provide excellent vehicle driveability.

      * Helps to extend transmission life based on excellent wear control.

      * Long fluid life based on excellent oxidation resistance.

      * Excellent viscosity stability (high viscosity index) to help assure adequate lubrication without excessive thinning in severe high-temperature service or thickening at low starting temperatures.

      * Resistance to foaming.

      * Superb protection against rusting and corrosion.

      * Compatibility with transmission seal materials.

      Mobil ATF 3309 is recommended for use in transmissions made by Aisin AW requiring fluids approved against JWS 3309 or GM 9986195. It is also recommended for service fill applications where Toyota T-IV is needed. Please refer to the owners’ manual for proper fluid requirements.

      Automatic transmissions should be checked for proper fluid levels at regular intervals, and the fluid should be changed at manufacturer-recommended intervals. However, this may vary due to your vehicle’s operating conditions. Some manufacturers recommend more frequent changes of transmission fluid under severe driving conditions, such as heavy traffic, hot weather and trailer pulling.