서울근무) In-house Patent Attorney

  • #162944
    Jooyoung Kim 175.***.37.221 5619



    서울에 있는 HR Plus란 헤드헌팅회사의 김주영입니다

    다음 포지션에 관심있으신 분은 연락주시기 바랍니다

    Client : 국내 대기업 전자회사

    Job Title : In-house Patent Attorney

    Requirements :
    1. More than 10 years of in-house (Global company such as IBM, Intel, Qualcomm, Motorola, etc.) and/or law firm experience in patent law (including patent prosecution, licensing and litigation experience) 

    2. A person who is ready to live in Korea

    3. License to practice in at least one state is required

    4. Bachelor’s degree (preferably graduate degree) in Enectrical Engineering / Computer Science or some other very closely related field is preferred

    [Guideline for Application]
    1. 전형방법
     1차 서류전형
     2차 면접전형
    2. 제출서류
     국문/영문 이력서 (경력중심)
     각종 증빙서류는 최종합격자에 한해 추후제출
    3. 접수방법
     이메일 : zoekim@hrplus.co.kr

    [Contact Information]
    1. 마감일 : 채용 시 까지
    2. 담당자 : 김주영 실장
     Tel : 82-2-514-9181