[채용] ICSN group 채용공고

  • #162345
    ICSN 69.***.62.185 4265


    ICSN, Inc. 

    ICSN, international contract manufcturing services network, is a Contract Manufacturer and SCM (supply Chain Management) company with main focuses on mechanical and electronic parts and components. 

    Location: Corona, CA

    Available positions (Entry level)-Full time 

    – Operations

    – Marketing

    <!–[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]–>



    Eligible to work in US

    -Fluent in English and Korean

    -BA/BS preferred or Relevant experience

    -Organized, good communication skill


    Group Health insurance, Paid vacation, Yearly performance incentives

    Please email your resume to HR@icsngroup.com if you’re interested and
    we’ll contact you promptly.