6시간 전에 저희 과 전체 메일로 온 포스트 닥 공고 입니다. 일의 시작 날이 6월 1일이라고 되어 있지만 좀전에 온 이메일 이므로 지금 보내서 지원하더라도 괜찮지 않을까 싶네요. 네트워킹에서 Internet inter-domain routing, large-scale
network measurement, and denial-of-service attack mitigation 관련으로 연구 경험이 있는 박사를 구하고 있어 보이구요. 저희 학교는 아니지만 혹시나 도움이 될 분이 있을까 싶어 올립니다. 도움이 된다는 분들이 계시면 앞으로도 저희 과로 오는 잡 공고를 가끔이나마 올리겠습니다.The Networking Research Lab at the University of Memphis invites
applications for a full-time postdoctoral research fellow position. A
Ph.D. degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering is required.The candidate should have strong publications in international
conferences and journals. Preference will be given to candidates with
research experience in Internet inter-domain routing, large-scale
network measurement, and denial-of-service attack mitigation. The
candidate must have extensive experience in simulation and
implementation. Good verbal and written skills in English are required.Candidates will be expected to publish scholarly work in top peer
reviewed conferences and journals, and assist in proposal writing.The position begins June 1, 2008.
To apply for this position, please send applications, including a
complete CV, links to two representative published manuscripts, and
the names and contact coordinates of 3 references to
chayes1@memphis.edu or mail to:Department of Computer Science
Attn: Post Doc Search Committee
Networking Research Lab
209 Dunn Hall
The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152-3240, USA
For more information, please visit http://netlab.cs.memphis.edu/.
Screening begins May 1, 2008 and may continue until the position is
filled.The University of Memphis is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action
Employer. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.