긴 글인데 도와주세요. 딜러쉽에서 싸인을 함부로 한 죄로…..

  • #15054
    foolish 71.***.97.13 4687

    영어로 써서 죄송합니다.
    긴 글인데 딜러쉽에서 refinance라고 해서 믿고 싸인을
    했는데 나중에 알고보니 refinance가 아닙니다.

    customer service에서 조사하고 연락준다고 했는데
    일주일째 연락이 없어서 다시 한 번 보내고
    BBB, Consumeraffair쪽에 도움을 청해보려 합니다.
    믿고 싸인을 한 저의 무지함에 대해서는 할말이 없습니다.
    싸인을 했으니 방법이 없는건지요?
    읽어주시고 도움을 주세요.  감사합니다. 꾸뻑

    Please help us.

    When I bought my Hyundai Accent with a 10.99%
    interest rate in 2008.
    I didn’t have credit because I didn’t have enough
    job history.
    Now, I have a job and my credit score is
    much higher than before so the Alliance Finance Company offered me around 4% to refinance my car,
    the Accent.
    The refinance company said to go to
    Prestige Chrysler dealership and have the
    car inspected, so my husband and I went to the dealership on sep 28th, 2010.

    We tried to purchase a new car also.
    We didn’t know yet how much the refinance amount
    would be. We told the dealership we would come back after the refinance payments were set up.
    We almost left there but we talked with a finance
    officer and he said he could check refinancing
    the accent.
    So we went back to the office.
    He found a way to refinance and said why do you
    guys pay so much money for the car?
    You can save your money,
    but this is with your new purchase.
    He said if you purchase a new car and put $2000
    down payment on your Accent, I can help to
    refinance your Accent.

    So we took $2000 for the down payment from
    our savings account.
    (it meant we would have to give up the 3% interest
    we would get 8 months from then).

    We trusted him without any doubt.
    Before we started on the paperwork,
    he said he got off work in 40 minutes.
    So we were rushed into signing up for everything.
    We didn’t want him working extra time for us.
    We really thanked him because he was saving us
    money. Later, we calculated it wasn’t
    saving money.
    We thought we could cancel the Accent refinance
    within 72 hours, because of the “cooling off period”
    laws, but we found out this was not refinancing
    our car. He was really re-selling us our own car.

    The car became a used car sale. We only asked to refinance our car.

    So we contacted the office but nobody could help us because he wasn’t there on sep 30th. We contacted
    our new credit union to cancel but they said they
    hadn’t the paper work.

    The next morning on Sep, 31, we stopped to the dealership to cancel the Accent finance and they
    said it was all processed and nothing could be done.
    They refused it.

    The sales manager MR. Bob said he was sorry that
    the finance officer should have explained,
    but he said he couldn’t do anything.

    The finance officer said that was equal
    the Accent car balance higher, but new purchase car balance would go down, so you wouldn’t lose
    any money, and the finance officer said when you refinance your car, you have to pay some fees.

    He talked totally different.

    If refinance amount go up, why do people do this?
    We didn’t have any problem for paying our cars.

    They lied to us again before went to the dealer ship
    we checked our old finance bank also.
    Nothing had been processed yet.


    Our new purchase Jeep included interest rate price was$41,054.16


    after adjusted price                              $39,926.88

    (The finance officer said that is equal the Accent car balance higher but new purchase car balance go down, you don’t lose any money)


    adjusted price go down about              $1,127.28


    the Accent car balance was                 $ 11793.55

    (included interest rate 10.99%             $13351.24)


    the dealership set up  the Accent total  $15,711.20
    with 5.99%

             financed                                        $11,793.55

             5.99% finance charge                  $1,917.65

             we gave a down payment            $2,000.00

    compare to before                                $2,359.96 lose

    adjusted the new jeep price go down  $1,127.28

    we still lose our money                         $1,232.68

    (even if we pay $358.71x36months    $14,913.56
    we would still lose.)


    We feel we were rushed into signings a contract that
    was not what we were promised (we were real foolish because we trusted him). We were lied to when no said
    it was refinancing when it was really something entirely different. It not only didn’t save us money(as he had promised)but cost us more.
    We are extremely displeased with the shady way the company does business.



    • koe 76.***.53.156

      제가 알기로는 싸인해도 차를 안가져 오면 취소할 수 있는 것으로 알고 있는데요 저도 그렇게 했구요. 한번 확인해 보세요. 여기는 텍사스 입니다.

    • 글쓴이 71.***.97.13

      리플 감사합니다. 그런데 저의 경우는 새차 구입과는 상관없이
      새차를 구입하면 제가 타던차 액센트를 저렴한 이자에 refinance 해준다고
      해놓고 딜러쉽에서 액센트를 pay off하고 제게 다시 되판매 한 거에요.
      사기라고 고소하라고 하는분들도 있고 싸인했으니 접으라고 하는 분도 있고하는데

      오늘 딜러쉽오너를 만나서 refund 받아왔습니다.
      제가 싸인한 책임도 있으니 제가 요구한 금액의 다는 받지못했어도 반 이상은 받았으니
      만족해야지요. (예전과 비교해서 손해는 나지않았어요.)
      제가 사는 곳은 한인타운하고는 거리가 멀어서 미국사람들에게 묻고다녔는데
      딜러쉽에서 많이들 당했더라고요. extra warranty필요없다고 했는데 집에와서보니
      금액이 애드되어있었다는 사람들 몇 명 봤고요. finance office사람들 믿지마세요.

      전문가니까 알아서 해주겠거니 했었는데 앞으로는 그사람들 계산할 때 같이
      계산해야겠어요. 시간이 얼마가 걸려도 꼼꼼히 서류를 챙겨봐야하겠고요.