Civil, 석사후 Job

  • #149811
    Seeker 198.***.19.140 4118

    한동안 많은 고민끝에 이곳에 글을 올리기로 했습니다.
    가능한 객관적인 의견을 주실수 있을 듯해서…

    저는 최근 Civil쪽은 아니지만 관련학과 석사를 마쳤습니다.
    원래는 박사까지 원했지만 석사후 다문 1년정도의 경력을 쌓고
    하지만 생각처럼 쉽지않았고, 졸업한지 이제 1달정도 되었습니다.
    그래서 생각한게 제 경력과 전공을 살리면서도 미국서 취업이 용이한
    Civil 쪽으로 석사를 한번 더 해 볼까 하는 생각입니다.
    어차피 대부분의 학교 과정이 석박 통합과정이라 석사부터 하는게 좋을
    듯 해서요. 그러고 난 다음에 박사를 할 지 않할지 결정 하려 합니다.

    – 보통 미국 Civil 쪽 MS 과정후에 취업은(Company) 어떻습니까?
    경험자의 말씀을 꼭 듣고 싶습니다.
    (정확히는 Civil 에서 geotechnical engineering 쪽으로 전공하려
    가능하다면 Ph.D. 과정후의 취업현황도 알고 싶습니다.
    물론 Case by Case 이겠지만 아시는대로 답변주시면 감솨…

    저희 학교에 있는 그쪽 학생에게 물어 봤습니다.(중국인 박사과정)
    그 학생 얘기는 매우 쉽다고,같은 중국인 들도 보통 job offer 6~7개 받아서 간다고 했습니다.
    물론 저희 학교가 Civil 쪽으로는 Top 5안에 드는 학교라지만 international
    에게는 믿기 어려운 얘기 였습니다.

    현실을 듣고 싶습니다.
    많은 답변 부탁 드립니다.
    미리 감사합니다.

    • kk 63.***.224.163

      First, if you haev MS in Civil, it’s not difficult to get a job in engineering consulting companies. Many big companies do sponsor your H-visa, too. I am in civil, related to water and environmental. It was not hard to get a job. I guess it will be similar to geotech area. This area is different from other engineering discipline such as computer or electrical engineering. Civil jobs require good conversation and writing skills. After Ph.D. it’s not easy to get a job. Not many positions are open to Ph.Ds. If you want to go for research position in the future, you’ll need Ph.D., otherwise, it’s better not.

    • guess 68.***.107.27

      I disagree with kk. I haven’t seen any Ph.D guys who doesn’t have job and doing nothing yet. Ph.D holders that I have seen so far got a relatively superior position and benefit compared to MS degree holder.
      It might be difficult to get a job as a Ph.D if he/she doesn’t have any previous experiences but, it is not happen to only Ph.D holder but also MS holder. I believe that once you get through Ph.D, then you will have a better chance for your future career. You’d better prepare the FE and PE to get industry jobs easily.

    • jakie 204.***.181.57

      I agree with KK and guess. I also work in water and waste water engineer. I was a Ph.d student because I already had Master degree and 3yrs company experiences from Korea. But I changed my mind that I want to get more experiences in USA. I have seen Ph.d guys who doesn’t have job. Friend of mine works same company with me. He is a Ph.d student(he got Master degree) but he got a job as Master degree. Usually, company dosen’t want over qualificated person but preper someone who has experiences. I would recommend to prepare the FE and PE. Good luck!

    • Seeker 67.***.8.162

      KK, Guess, and Jakie, I really appreciate your good comments.
      I guess the comment of a Chinese Ph.D. student is true about MS in Civil Eng.. Thank you again.