Korean Speaking Business Analyst

  • #149619
    일자리 24.***.88.10 3946

    저도 잡을 찾다가 리쿠르터로 부터 한국어를 할 수 있는 IT엔지니어를 찾는 다는 군요
    클라이언트 이름을 정확히는 밝히지는 않았지만 Nexson 인것 같아요.
    할튼 관심있으신분은 아래쪽에 연락처가 있으니 연락해보세요

    The primary skills I seek are:

    Fluency in Korean

    IT background

    Attention to detail

    Outgoing and self starter

    The primary responsibilities are:

    Assist with communication barriers between overseas teams.

    Handle documentation, analysis, requirements for existing projects.

    The project is:

    My client is currently developing a game for their Asia Pacific region and they have a team of developers in Korea . The teams assisting with this project in the U.S. and elsewhere are having a difficult time communicating with this team. They need assistance with translation, documentation, etc.

    The true title of this position is a Technical Writer or Business Analyst but anyone with a Technical background who speaks Korean and has a high attention to detail will work. This could be a foot in the door at a great, well known company. The initial duration is contract but I have seen people go permanent if they really like them.

    Glen B. Evans Account Manager
    201 THIRD STREET, STE 1020 , SAN FRANCISCO , CA 94103

    888.260.6284 T 415.343.6015
    F 415.343.6074 M 415.640.7463
