Staff Accountant (No Experience Required)

  • #148610
    Sun Hwang 71.***.119.235 5634

    아래와 같이 저희 회사에서 사람을 구합니다.

    Staff Accountant (CPA Office downtown San Francisco)

    General Requirement

    – BS in Accounting, Business, Economics
    – Must be interested in pursuing CPA career
    – Korean Fluency and good computer skills are required

    We are looking for someone who is devoted and committed to the professional
    careerin public accounting
    We value high integrity, honesty and long-term relationship.

    Please send us your Resume, Cover letter(or 자기소개서) to Fax: 415-421-4314
    or if you are interested in this position
    취업비자 스폰서 가능.