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원글이 pbs라디오와 로컬신문에 주말마다 실리는 Magliozzi 형제인데 둘다 MIT출신에 현재 보스턴에서 정비소를 운영하고 있는 현역들이라 경험에 의한 글이라 신뢰도가 꽤 높습니다. 재미로 읽어보세요
10 Cars Mechanics Hate
By Tom and Ray Magliozzi, Click and Clack the Tappet BrothersThese are the cars that cause us to mumble under our breath when
they drive by. So smug. So reliable. Sure! Drive right past our shop!
How’s a mechanic supposed to make a monthly boat payment with so many
of these things on the road?Yes, the cars we hate most, as mechanics, are the cars that provide us with the fewest repair dollars. I mean, you see a ’99 Jeep Grand Cherokee
roll into the shop and you can practically smell the transmission
rebuild. But the cars on this list? You’ll be lucky to sell their
owners a set of brake pads or a muffler.If you’re looking for a car to buy, however, this list might provide
you with some good clues. Oh, sure … don’t worry about us!P.S. This list reflects our own experience, of course. So when we
cite the ready availability of parts, we’re talking about the typical
repair experience in metropolitan areas in the Northeast. We’re not
sure the same is true in North Grainbucket, Iowa.P.P.S. Astute observers will notice 13 cars in this list, not 10. Please don’t write in to complain.
Honda Civic One of the most reliable cars available today. The Civic rarely
seems to break, and when it does, its problems are easy to diagnose.
Original Equipment Manufacturer, aka OEM, parts are both affordable and
easy to get.Honda Accord See “Civic.”
Toyota Camry The Camry used to be the clear-cut winner when it came to
reliability. Other cars are catching up, but it’s still one of the most
reliable performers around. Affordable and easy-to-get OEM parts, too.Toyota Corolla About all that’s ever needed on the Corolla are regular maintenance
and an occasional brake job. We’re not making any money on this car,
that’s for sure. OEM parts are affordable, too.Toyota Prius Unfortunately for us, only dealers are currently servicing the
expensive hybrid components in the Prius. That will change in time.
But, for now, we’re not making any money off the Prius. The Prius is crammed full of technology, but Toyota
has put plenty of effort into the layout, which is well thought out.
Considering the number of components that are under the hood, the
non-hybrid parts are pretty easy to access and service. From our point of view, the Prius is terrible news for mechanics —
not even the brakes wear out, thanks to the regenerative braking
system. All we get to install are wiper blades. How are you supposed to
buy a pair of Jet Skis on that money?Ford Fusion and Ford Fusion Hybrid In our humble opinion, these are two of the few American cars that
really approach the reliability of the Japanese brands. (Official Car
Talk Disclaimer: Ray is a Ford stockholder — as well as a disgruntled former GM stockholder.)Toyota Sienna and Honda Odyssey Minivans have generally
been pretty good to us. They’re big cars with a lot of parts that
eventually fall off. But if you’re looking for the best of the minivans
— the ones on which we make the least amount of money — those would be
the Toyota Sienna and Honda Odyssey. Are they as reliable and as
affordable as the other cars in this list? Probably not. But in the
minivan class, they’re the best choices going.Honda CR-V See “Civic” and “Accord.” The only repair issue we see with the CR-V is a “chattering” final drive in the all-wheel-drive version. Other than that, the CR-V is just as reliable as any other Honda. The transmission, engine and everything else are all great. Parts are affordable, and big repairs are infrequent. Drat!
Honda Element Unfortunately for mechanics, the Element has the same reliable
drivetrain as the CR-V, so the same comments apply. The other reason we
hate this car? Element owners always seem to have big dogs, which
translates to a “big stink for mechanics.”Subaru Impreza For an all-wheel-drive car, the Impreza is very reliable. Usually,
we count on making a lot of money on all-wheel-drive vehicles, thanks
to all the additional drivetrain components. Sadly, that’s not the case
with this car. Thanks a lot, Subaru. We find parts to be reasonably priced and widely available.Subaru Forester Parts are readily available and reasonably priced. When it comes to
all-wheel-drive vehicles, like the Impreza, the Forester is a sturdy,
reliable choice.Nissan Altima The Altima runs forever, and it’s great to drive. The four-cylinder
edition is a reliable car that’s easy to fix. These cars just don’t
seem to break. Other than routine oil changes, we only see Altima
owners when they’ve racked up 150,000 miles or more.혼다가 5종, 도요타가 4종, 수바루 2, 니산 1, 포드 1로 단연코 일본차들이 신뢰도가 높네요. 한국차도 조만간 올라갈수 있기를 바랍니다