이력서 쓰는 방법….

  • #147154
    이력서 68.***.54.199 9116

    이력서를 쓸려고 하는데 첨이라 잘 모르겠네요….
    영문이랑 한글로 이력서 쓰는방법좀 알려주세요….

    • 24.***.207.119

      미안한 말입니다만 여기서 이런 정보를 부탁하는건 좀 뭐하네요.
      미국 대학에서 writting시간에 적어도 두 주는 수업을 하는게 resume쓰는 법인데…
      이런건 남에게 간단히 부탁할게 아니라 본인이 인터넷으로 적극적으로 찾아 공부하는 적극성이 필요하지 않을까요?

    • 거참 65.***.126.98

      님의 경력을 최근꺼 부터 영어로 자세히 잘 쓰면 됩니다.

    • 거참 65.***.126.98

      monster.com 등에 들어가 보면 이력서 쓰는 방법있습니다. 하다 못해 google에서 resume 라고 라도 좀 쳐보시지요…

    • refer 216.***.192.145
    • Musim 143.***.124.3

      I guess not everyone loves to surf Internet^^;;
      I think English and Korean resure does not follow the same format in general. (even though I don’t think there is any such strict format for either). English resume should contain four major parts; brief personal info, your objective, professional career and skill set, education. You can add professional affiliate, other awards or any others that can explain your strength, but not better try to make it short and consise.
      Education and professional career are easier part since you can just list them, from the mosr recent on to the oldest (Well, Korean resume usually lists from the oldest one).
      I am not sure whether writing a resume requires 2 weeks of class, but here is a couple of tips you want to remember when you make one in especially English one:
      – Clearly states what you actually did, and what’s your accomplishment.
      In many cases Korean resume just states like ‘participated in XYZ project as a senior desing engineer…’ It means almost nothing in English version (or the one to be read be American employer). This must look better, ‘Had designed ABC module for XYZ project, and finished verification 2 weeks ahead of the schedule…’
      – You have to think about the objective. First of all, I would recommend you to write about a 1/4 – 1/3 page of text that describes who you are and what you want to do. (Who you are does not mean your name^_^) The objective line may not determine the result but it helps either catching the reader’s attention or him to throw it away.

      I think the actual format itself may not be that important other than professional appearance, meaning that it doesn’t need to be fancy. But again it need to be well summarized/focused. 10 page resume won’t fly well generally^;;
      I hope it can help, but to learn more, you need to do your portion. Good Luck1

    • Jay Lee 220.***.0.93

      above one,
      so nice advice,
      thanks a lot.

    • sfsf 206.***.33.10

      if i can added to the above, for an english resume, do not attach your photo, not even your B-day and your family info.