Approval of Cow Hormone Imperils Our Milk
Published: Saturday, December 22, 1990http://www.nytimes.com/1990/12/22/opinion/l-approval-of-cow-hormone-imperils-our-milk-506490.html
“rBGH-dairy induces a 70% to 1000% increase in the levels of the hormone, IGF-1. IGF-1 in dairy foods is not destroyed by digestion because it is protected by casein and by dairy’s buffering effect. At least some of this IGF-1 is absorbed into the body. IGF-1 stimulates the proliferation of cancer cells. Two recent studies showed that increased levels of IGF-1 in humans predict increased rates in breast cancer and prostate cancer.”
“A recent article (Cancer Research, 55:2463-2469, June 1995) from Renato Baserga’s laboratory in Philadelphia has shown clearly that IGF-1 is required for the establishment and maintenance of tumors. The mechanism for this is that IGF-1 protects the cells from apoptosis (programmed cell death). IGF accelerates tumor growth and appears to affect the aggressiveness of tumors. As the IGF-1 level is decreased, cell death can take place. We are talking about IGF-1 levels of 10 nanogram per m1, i.e., 0.00001 milligram per ml.”
“The widespread consumption of BST [rBGH] supplemented milk is therefore an experiment on an unsuspecting population that could have horrendous consequences and overwhelm the health care system. The experiment would take one to three decades when it would be difficult to dismantle a well-entrenched BST [rBGH] industry, and still have one to three decades’ worth of individuals in the pipeline. I can conceive of no animal experiments to test this and to provide hard data to predict the magnitude and time frame for this effect. The risk to benefit ratio of this experiment is clearly not in favor of the consumer.”
[George L. Tritsch, Cancer Research Scientist (Retired), August 7, 1995“Specifically, there is concern that this milk may increase the risk and rate of cancer. Milk from rbGH treated cows has elevated levels of IGF-1.”
source: Z Malawa – Nutrition Bytes, 2002 – repositories.cdlib.org