Financial Rescue Plan

  • #101348
    eroica 69.***.144.179 2343

    오늘 발표된 Geithner financial rescue plan을 들어보면 한편으론 Obama admin이 무엇을 어떻게 얼마를 들여서 구제할 것인지 나름대로  clear하게 설명한것 같으나 rescue plan 발표후 Bloomberg의 Peter Cook과 interview한 내용을 들어보면 Geithner speech의 행간에 숨은뜻을 알수있을것 같더군요. 그 interview를 들어보면 Geithner는 어떻게 문제를 풀어나가야 할지 구체적 방법을 모른다고 euphemistic하게 말하더군요. Market은 이미 그것을  알고 오늘 곤두박질친거구요. 여기 그 transcript의 일부입니다.

    MR. COOK:  Can I just say can you explain how this is going to work?  Is the government going to buy these assets? Are these private entities going to buy these assets?  And how are you going to value them?

    SEC. GEITHNER:  So let me do the basic concept and let me reassure you and the markets as a whole that this is very complicated to get right.  And we’re going to try to get it right before we give people the details so that we don’t add further to uncertainty in these markets.  But our basic objective, and why this is so complicated, is to try to make sure we’re doing it in ways that will protect the taxpayer, so the government is taking risks they understand and they we’re maximizing the value of the limited resources we have and our broad capacity to provide financing to these markets.
    The basic concept, again, is because the markets now cannot provide the financing necessary to get this to work – that’s sort of the definition of a financial crisis in some sense – that the government will provide that financing alongside some public capital in ways that bring private capital.  And that is important because it will help protect the government from the risk that we’re taking on risk and assets we don’t understand, have valued too highly and are leaving the taxpayer with more risk than they should have to bear in this context.
    That’s the challenge in normalcy difficult to do, in normalcy difficult to do, and we’re going to be very careful to get it right.  We may not get it right exactly at the beginning and we’ll adapt it as we need to, but my judgment is, it’s a critical part of a successful strategy.  But don’t lose sight of the program to help make sure banks have enough capital to get through this and this very dramatic expansion of direct financing to help get the markets that are critical to small-business lending, to households and consumers, student lending, consumer lending, automobile financing and the commercial real estate to the point where they have more liquidity.  Those things are really important to do.

    그러니까 결론적으로 아직 무슨방법으로 ‘get it right’ 할지 모른단 이야기 이지요.

    거기에 불에 기름붓듯 Mr. Bernanke가 Congress에서 “increased liquidity from the central bank will be ‘no panacea’ for lenders.”라고 했죠. 이 덕분에 오늘 market에서는 financial sector를 중심으로 더 곤두박질 치고….

    오늘 Treasure Dept.에서 finacial rescue plan fact sheet도 publish했는데요, 특별한 내용은 없지만 관심있으면 요기가서 함 읽어보시구요.

    fact sheet

    밑에것은 Financial Times에서 rescue plan을 요약한건데 참고하세요. financial관련주는 아직도 앞길이 탁트여 있는듯하네요.

    • done that 66.***.161.110

      어떻게 문제를 풀어나가야 할지 구체적 방법을 모른다고 euphemistic하게 말하더군요.

      – 계획이 세워졌는 데 tight lips to the public & something going on inside financial banking인 지, 아니면 clueless인 지?

    • D. Kim 24.***.207.153

      $90B 정도의 국채를 팔기 위해 주가를 떨어뜨렸다는 ‘음모론’도 있습니다. 제 생각에는 어느 정도 계획이 있는데, 조심스럽게 접근한다고 봅니다.

    • eroica 69.***.144.179

      작년 맨처음 bail out plan을 세울때 제가 기억하기로는 은행들의 손실 규모가 $200bn으로 예상을 했었죠. 그 후 작년 11월경에 다시 $1000bn으로 추정을 하고 이를 기반으로 어제 발표한 financial rescue plan에서 은행쪽에 $1000bn을 할당한걸로 알고있습니다. 근데 문제는 banking loss의 예상치가 계속늘어난다는 것이죠. 실제로 IMF와 Goldman Sachs는 $2000bn정도의 banking loss를 announce했고 pessimist들은 $3600bn까지 말하고 있습니다. 한마디로 오늘 항아리 물을부으면 내일 곧바로 다 새버리고마는 꼴이죠. 그래서 저의 생각은 구체적 계획이 없다에 한표주고싶고 계획이 있다해도 얼마나 효율이 있을지 의심스럽구요…

      Paul Krugman교수가 어제 한 말이 “It’s really not clear what the plan means; there’s an interpretation that makes it not too bad, but it’s not clear if that’s the right interpretation.”인데 아마 이 표현이 전문가들을 현제 대변하고 있다는 생각도 들고요….

      많은 사람들이 아직도 대기업들을 보면서 ‘too big to fail’이라 생각하고 있죠. 근데 이젠 조만간’too big to save’가 되지안을까 생각합니다.

    • D. Kim 24.***.207.153

      Jon Markman의 다음 글을 읽어보세요.

      “You know that awful feeling when you’re the new guy and you’ve been working on a project for three months, and you’ve made no progress, and then the boss gives you a deadline? First you ask for one more day, but when the time finally comes that you’ve got to deliver, you’ve still got nothin’, so you talk fast, use a lot of jargon, promise more details soon and hope no one notices you’ve got squat.”

    • ana 71.***.87.123

      so it means it’s not plagmatic agenda? uh..uh..