Where is my cheese gone?

  • #101043
    eroica 76.***.243.223 2575

    Banks’ quota out of the $700bn bailout is $250bn. Treasury Dept. has approved of using one half of the quota for 9 banks. Then, how about the hundreds of other banks at risk?? Look at what is going on AIG? It’s funny, the government is bailing out the bailout. As ‘done that’ mentioned before, it’s so unfair although I believe the life is really unfair.

    I guess the unfairness comes from that ordinary taxpayers(or even the decision makers) don’t know who/how/why/when spend the bailout money. It’s completely veiled.

    Bank of America                      $15,000,000,000
    Bank of New York Mellon Corp.    $ 3,000,000,000
    Citigroup Inc.                         $25,000,000,000
    The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.   $10,000,000,000
    JPMorgan Chase & Co.               $25,000,000,000
    Morgan Stanley                       $10,000,000,000
    State Street Corporation            $ 2,000,000,000
    Wells Fargo & Company             $25,000,000,000
    Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc            $10,000,000,000  % This case is pending for merger.

    This is the report link as of 10/29/2008

    • 조오빠오빠 74.***.219.43

      도대체가 이여자는 뭐하는여자야 ??
      그런거 수치들고나온다한들 뭐가 달라지는데 ??

    • eroica 147.***.40.44

      I’m showing up the ‘numbers’ for fun…..
      Don’t be grumpy, 조오빠오빠. Our life is too short, isn’t it? Take it easy and give it a smile ;-)

    • H 207.***.132.30

      Wells Fargo에 $25B는 좀 의외이네요. Wachovia 때문인가?

    • 조오빠오빠 74.***.219.43

      우리에인생이 너무 짧다구 ??푸하하 웃기는 이야기하시네..
      그것은 당신이 바로본 숫자의 관념인가 ?역사의 창조 진보발달과정속에서만
      인간의 수명을 놓고봤을댄 아주 쥐방울만하겠지 ..그런네..극사실주의로 당신의 인생 ..과거 현재 미래를 바라볼때는 엄청나게 길거든..

      중요한것은 숫자가아닌 현실이라는것이다.바로 당신.~!현실.

      고로 만들어진 잘짜여진 숫자를가지고 놀지말고..
      자신의 독창적이고 혁신적인 개념을 탑재하란말임.

      마치..내가보기엔..당신은 앵무새같어.잘훈련됀 앵무새..
      제도와 틀안에서 그것이 전부인양 믿고 길들여진 앵무새.~!!
      그 이면의 것을 보면 어디 덧나나 ??

      숫자를봤다면 결과를 추론하란말임..오케 ???
      그것을 만들어내기에는 당신의 인생은 너무길지 않은가 ??

    • eroica 76.***.243.223

      I appreciate your advice.

      Now, I guess it’s my turn to give you a word.


      I believe you are wise and smart enough to understand what it says.