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  • #100453
    서버 71.***.156.91 2486

    회사 규모가 어느정도 되면 중앙 집중식으로 데이타 관리하는게 보안이나 어플리케이션 관리 측면에서 유리하기 때문에 시장이 급속히 성장할 거라 보는데, 이쪽 분야 전문가의 고견을 듣고 싶습니다.

    • define 64.***.211.64

      Define blades. Different people use this term differently. If you are referring to the hardware form factor, it has a higher start-up cost and once you go this route you are pretty much locked in to that specific manufacturer.

    • jason 86.***.129.145

      the blade server is generally useful to ease the connection management on the network, especially within san (storage area network). despite its broad use in san, it will gradually become less meaningful as long as server colsolidation leads the main stream in the present and future. imagine how much you could save money if you can stuff 5 servers into one box with hypervisor – i.e esx, not to mention the siginificant power savings. for example, if you built an esx box with 16 cpu cores and 64 gb memory, you would have 10 vms on it all set to use 4 cpu cores and 16 gb memory. otherwise, you would need to buy 40 cpu cores and 164 gb to do that physically.

      information-centric feature will give us tremendous benefits along with the prior consolidation, because it will eventually minimize application dependency as long as our interest is focused on the content itself – here, content and data are somewhat different. i will not bring it out here that could be tediously long to explain.

      the data passing down to the repository will be encrypted and protected and then its life cycle is expired by following the individual security policy. of course, any information on the media shouldnt be exposed to 3rd person who fraudulently attempt to access by any chance.

      in terms of market, it has a tremendous opportunity and the war on it has been already triggered, and big guys will determine which approach could be right at the end of the day. fortune 500 companies have been beneficial of the initial technology so far so no doubt about its brand new market will be bright.